Is Being an Affiliate

Right for You?

Are you looking for a Simple Process to earn extra money?

Do you love helping others?

Are you looking for a Proven Product that is backed by 15 years of clinical trials and 13 years of blind studies?

Do you enjoy lifestyle getaways?

Then YES being an affiliate is right for you!

- Sheila McGaha

Holistic Patches

Zero Ingredients

On the previous page you learned all about Super Patches and what they can help with, but what are the benefits of being an Affiliate?

Simple Process to Earning Extra Money

The Simplest Method of telling someone about Super Patch is SHOWING them how it works by doing a Strength & Balance Test!

The Strength & Balance test shows immediate results with Victory and Liberty. When you do this test on people the results are mind blowing for not only them but also YOU. This increases your passion about the products as you physically notice what is happening in someone else's body within seconds of placing a patch on their skin.

Benefits of Joining Tiffany's Team

Being a Super Patch affiliate has been so rewarding BUT Tiffany is also offering special incentives for joining my team!

Why Tiffany is offering this to my team

On 9/7/2024 Tiffany attended a She Becomes Unshakable event. During this event she asked God to show her a vision that she knew she could not do alone and when it was achieved she would KNOW that He did it for her. God told her "You will be a leader of many".

At the time she had no idea what that meant or how that would even be possible. She had just signed up for Super Patch earlier that week and she didn't think she would do this as a business. She had led a team several years before and in the end she was burnt out and felt defeated. Does that sound familiar?

Over the next few weeks she saw how these patches were helping those she introduced it to and asked God if this was what she was supposed to be doing and received a resounding YES!

She then started praying for her team which she didn't have ANYONE on her team at that time. Every night since then she prays for her team and those that God would bring to this team.

When you join just know you have been prayed for before you even knew about this opportunity!

She also prayed about how she could help her team be successful and He revealed to her that the work she had been doing for the past 3 years were preparing her for this moment in time. She had been going through training and certifications and focusing on learning different areas that she could help her current clients in Consulting and He told her to offer all of it to her team to help them in every area of their life and to make a turn key system to help them run their business.

Below are the 3 Pillars of Success that Tiffany has been building for the last 3 years. If you say yes to this opportunity know that she and I are here to support you in every area of your life!

Releasing Emotional and Mental Blocks to Success

Tiffany has been working with people all over the world for over 10 years regarding emotional and mental blocks. She found a passion in helping small business owners succeed in their professional and personal lives.

Her clients love the F.I.X. Code because it is a simple process that disconnects emotions from memories without re-living them and it takes less than 5 minutes to release the Code running your life in that moment.

We will meet on zoom once per month as a group and you will simply:

Sit back, relax, close your eyes and follow the guided instructions.

The F.I.X. Code is an advanced technique that eases emotional blocks and trauma. Just make sure you are in a quite place where you can close your eyes with no distractions when we meet. You will be sitting up during the session.

We remove the emotional response to a specific memory of a past traumatic event so well that when you think about what happened to you, you can't think about the horrible way you feel right now. It's as if it happened to someone else.

Years of implementation and thousands of lives changed have proven that the F.I.X Code changes lives immediately. The far-reaching effects of one changed life are infinite.

Within 3-5 minutes you can disconnect the CODE from memories through a simple meditation where you will be guided back to the root cause typically between birth and the age of 7 and sometimes your unconscious mind will reveal an event that is before birth (ancestral past). Your mind WILL reveal information to you.

Her clients have said they have never been able to get so deep to the root of the problem so fast. Some clients have been on a healing journey for 10, 20, and even 30+ years and this modality has helped them more than any other modality they have experienced before. Of all of the modalities she is certified in, the F.I.X. Code has been the go-to modality for over two years for her clients.

What Tiffany charges for these sessions: $120

Your Cost: FREE*

*as long as you have an active autoship on the 1st of each month

Coaching and Training


Let's talk numbers. Most small business owners Tiffany talks to have a hard time understanding their numbers: customers won/lost, deal value, close rates, how long it takes for the close, and expenses.

She has created a spreadsheet that gets into the nitty gritty details so you can get a clear picture of where you are at and then create a plan to get you to where you want to go.

The CRM System below also helps track all of this!


6 weeks of Coaching focused on:

  • Personality Intelligence

  • Sales Intelligence

  • Emotional Intelligence

  • Artificial Intelligence

  • Business Intelligence

  • Spiritual Intelligence

During the 6 weeks we will meet over zoom for class and you will have a workbook for each subject.

Fundamentals of Relationships

The secret, the science, and the system you need to transform your relationships. Whether it's friendship, key relationships at work, or at home, dating, parenting, or even your marriage, the truth is, you are in relationships with people every single day. This class dives into the personality types and you will learn how to apply the BANK Methodology to every relationship in your life.

  • Communication Tips

  • Dating and Relationship Tips

  • Parenting Tips

Fundamentals of Sales

The secret, the science, and the system you need to transform your Business.

  • The MYTH that Sales is a Numbers Game

  • BUYOLOGY - the science of buying behavior

  • The most common mistakes

  • The Power of Sales Velocity

  • The 300% Formula

  • Sales Tips

Speed Coding

Prerequisite to attend this class: Fundamentals of Relationships or Fundamentals of Sales

  • SPEED CODING teaches you how to identify your prospect’s buying behavior accurately without the use of BANKCARDS in less than three minutes.

  • 4 Stages of Learning

  • Factors that affect our thinking

  • The Art of Questioning

  • Listening Tips

  • Likes, Dislikes, and Clues

Power Scripting

Are you ready to be challenged? This is the most intense and interactive class of them all but you will also be in a safe space. You will be creating content for your business and getting feedback from the class.

  • 3 Days

  • Dale's Cone of Experience

  • Powerscripting Process

  • Top 5 Buying Triggers

  • Create your own soundbites

  • Mastermind Exercises

  • Case studies

Total Value of this Coaching and Training: $17,500

What Tiffany charges for this package: $5,999

Your Cost: FREE*

*as long as you have an active autoship on the 1st of each month

Fully automated Customer Relationship Management System

Tiffany has been running her own small businesses for over 10 years. She used many systems and when she found a software suite 3 years ago that had everything any small business needed she started her own agency helping other small business owners. What she heard almost every client say is they did not want to learn a system because they were often too complicated. So instead of offering just a software solution she sets everything up for her clients including automations, so they can do what they LOVE and not worry about the administration of it all.

Ready to Join My Team

I am so excited for YOU!

Let's set up a call to discuss the options and strategize the best way for you to get started!

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